Art School Library

Situated within an art school campus, the library stands as a cornerstone of knowledge and inspiration. Leveraging the natural slope of the site, the design centers its circulation around this feature. Students have the option to access the library via a sunken entrance at the base of the slope or through the rooftop garden at its summit. This thoughtful integration of the site's topography not only enhances the functionality of the space but also creates dynamic entry points that engage with the surrounding environment, fostering a holistic learning experience


The first-floor roof serves as a transitional zone bridging the playground and library, offering students access to both levels via courtyard stairs. This combination of dynamic and static spaces not only provides panoramic views for those on the second floor and above but also fosters deep interaction with the surroundings. To meet these requirements and enhance the dynamic aspect of the design, careful consideration will be given to the form and functionality of the first-floor roof.

The first-floor roof serves as a transitional zone bridging the playground and library, offering students access to both levels via courtyard stairs. This combination of dynamic and static spaces not only provides panoramic views for those on the second floor and above but also fosters deep interaction with the surroundings. To meet these requirements and enhance the dynamic aspect of the design, careful consideration will be given to the form and functionality of the first-floor roof.

The twisted glass facade offers diverse reflections: the upward slope captures the sky, while the downward slope mirrors the surrounding landscape.


